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Gabriela T. Richard

Presented on “Intersections of Play at the Margins” at the Internet Research Conference

In this presentation, at the Internet Research 15 conference, I focused on my ethnographic work and interviews with game players and the areas where their experiences intersected and differentiated. Following the conference theme of boundaries and intersections, the presentation was not only an invitation to understand how these experiences vary and intersect across gender, but also other sociocultural constructs we are less likely to acknowledge or understand, especially race or ethnicity and sexuality or gender identity. Using an intersectional lens allowed these patterns to be more apparent than focusing only on one, as most past research has done. My research over the past 4 years has taken an intersectional perspective to understanding gendered experience in game culture, especially as utilized as a participant-observer and female player of color. I also made connections between the longstanding gatekeeping and marginalization of women and minorities in game culture and what is currently happening with GamerGate. You can find out more about the conference and the Association of Internet Researchers here.

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