On March 13th, I gave an invited talk, along with fellow NAED/Spencer postdoctoral fellows Maneka D. Brooks (Texas State) Janet Njelesani (NYU), at Georgetown as part of their Educational Transformation speaker series. Georgetown hosted the three of us in conjunction with our Spring fellows retreat in DC and as a part of their Identity and Excellence in Education series. While each of us specializes in a different area of research, all of our projects fall under the general theme of addressing issues of identity, equity and inclusivity in formal and informal educational contexts. Each of our talks focused on our fellowship projects, and we were pleased to discover synergies in our approaches and perspectives. My talk was entitled, "Technology-mediated Learning Beyond the Classroom: From Digital Games to Socially-mediated Content Creation," and I focused on my research looking at gaming, making and livestreaming as sites for learning and engagement which need greater attention to equity and inclusion for non-dominant groups across gender, ethnicity, and dis/ability.