As part of the spring 2014 Penn Apps, the largest collegiate hackathon in the United States, Yasmin Kafai spearheaded an effort to create the Inaugural Stitchfest, where teams competed in designing eTextiles and wearables. As part of the organizing team, Orkan Telhan, Barrie Adleberg, and I helped to design the Stitchfest activities. I also served as a judge, which meant I didn’t get to observe Stitchfest in action, but I did get to see and evaluate the end-product side of things. It was insightful to evaluate how participants presented their work… It was also instructive to apply my own design background and physical computing knowledge (as a graduate of ITP at NYU, birthplace of physical computing as we know it today). I was honored to be judging with Sabine Seymour, of Parsons, and Kate Abercrombie, of the Fabric Workshop in Philadelphia.
